The mailing address on file with the Pima County Assessor’s Office is used to send important property-related correspondence, including your Annual Notice of Value. This address is also shared with Pima County Finance to mail your annual Property Tax Statement/Bill and may be used by other County agencies and Taxing Authorities.
To ensure our records are accurate, please update your mailing address if you’ve recently moved or notice any errors. You can do this in person at our Customer Service desk located at 240 N. Stone, or by using our electronic Change of Address form.
Click here for more information
The first step in the appeals process is to file a
Petition for Review of Valuation
A petition filed with the County Assessor's Office must be filed no later than 60 days after the mail date on their
"Notice of Value" or the deadline date indicated on the notice. The U.S. Postal Service postmark date is evidence of
meeting the filing deadline. The Assessor will assign an appraiser to review your petition. As part of the review
process, it may be necessary to schedule an appointment and physically inspect the property to ensure that all the
valuation components are correct.
(Click here for Spanish)
Notice of Value Library Schedule
As of 2023, a Veterans Exemption is now open to Pima County property owners that have a Veterans Administration (VA)
Combined Disability rating displayed on a VA benefits summary letter. The required VA letter needs to be dated within a year
of application and if application is successful, can reduce the Limited Property Value resulting in a lower property
tax amount. Income and Assessed Value restrictions apply.
Valuation Relief Library Schedule
Property owners may qualify for the Widow/Widowers exemption on your primary residence which may save money on your
annual property taxes. If you are a permanent resident of Arizona at the time
of death and your Limited Value does not exceed the amount determined annually by the Arizona Department of
Revenue, you may qualify for assistance.
(Click here for Spanish)
Valuation Relief Library Schedule
The 100% Disabled Person’s Exemption Program is open to Pima County homeowners that are medically
certified as 100% totally and permanently disabled by their doctor. This exemption can result in a lower
Limited Property Value which may have the effect of reducing your property tax amount.
(Click here for Spanish)
Valuation Relief Library Schedule
The Senior Valuation Protection program enables qualified seniors to have their Limited Value frozen,
which is the basis for all property taxes, frozen in 3 year increments to protect against the potential
of an increasing real estate market. The freezing process helps to stabilize one of the components of the
property tax bill, it does not freeze full cash value nor property taxes. This program is not an exemption
nor does it eliminate the potential for property taxes to increase from year to year, it simply freezes the
portion of the property’s value used to calculate the annual property tax bill.
(Click here for Spanish)
January 1 | Valuation Date for the current Valuation Year. |
March 1 | Second half of property taxes on real property for the prior tax year are due. Notices of Value are mailed on or before this date. (Owners have 60 days from the mailing date to file an appeal) |
May 1 | Second half of property taxes on real property for the prior tax year become delinquent. |
August 15 | All petitions for review shall be answered by this date. Deadline to file to the State Board of Equalization is 25 days from the Notice of Decision date. |
September 1 | Treasurer mails delinquent tax notices |
September 30 | On or before this date, Notice of Change mailed. (Owners have 25 Days from the mailing date to file an appeal) |
November 1 | First half of property taxes on real property for the current year are due. |
3rd Friday in November | All hearings for the Notice of Change valuations must be held by the State Board of Equalization by this date. (Owners may appeal to the Tax Court within 60 days after the final notice of decision) |
December 15 | The deadline to file with Tax Court for properties that did not appeal through the regular appeal process. |
The Pima County Assessor's Office is responsible for locating, listing, and valuing all of the properties under its jurisdiction that are to be listed on the assessment rolls. This includes both real and personal property.
The following steps describe the Assessment Process:
There are three methods of appraising or establishing the
There are situations where only one or two approaches may be applicable. For instance, an owner-occupied residential property is not likely to produce rental income that could be capitalized into an estimate of value through use of the income approach. Therefore, the sales comparison or cost approaches might be more appropriate. Vacant land has no cost of improvements, so the cost approach would not be an appropriate method for that situation.
Specialized properties such as mortuaries, hospitals, or zoos do not typically change hands enough to generate comparative sales, so the cost or the income approach might be more appropriate in those cases.
Basic steps to this approach are:
Replacement Cost New is defined as the cost and overhead that would be incurred in constructing an improvement having the same utility as the original, without necessarily reproducing exactly the same characteristics of the property, but using today's materials, labor, and building techniques. In other words, replacement cost represents the cost to create an equally desirable substitute property.
In Arizona for cost estimation, the unit-in-place method is used. The unit-in-place method is less detailed than the quantity survey method, but still reasonably accurate and complete. This is the method used in the Construction Cost Manual prescribed by the Arizona Department of Revenue, for many building components. These allow the appraiser to make adjustments for individual components for various types of structures.
This method combines direct and indirect costs into a single cost for a building component (the unit-in-place) which is then multiplied by the area of the portion of the building being valued to arrive at a total cost for that component.
The depreciation rates in Arizona's Department of Revenue Construction Cost Manual reflect only the physical factors affecting the value of structures. These tables were developed from market analysis. The rates assume that normal maintenance has been performed. The rate of physical depreciation is calculated based on the age of the structure and the quality of the construction. When the overall quality of an improvement is low, normal physical deterioration is more rapid than for fair or good construction.
Normal physical deterioration is calculated according to actual age. Other factors are computed as they arise in
individual structures. If a structure has a serious physical defect, the appraiser will first estimate the RCN, and
then compute the cost to cure the physical defect (if curable) and then deduct that amount from the
In ad valorem appraisal, deferred maintenance is not normally included in a valuation consideration. This would have the effect of punishing property owners who kept a property in good condition and rewarding those who let properties rundown. Special obsolescence factors may be noted and taken into consideration, but the aim is to achieve equity, so that owners of similar properties bear an equal share of the tax burden, regardless of whether they perform regular maintenance.
In situations where modernization has occurred during the life of a structure, the appraiser must estimate the
The effective age is calculated by taking the percentage of the remodeling or modernization in relation to the whole.
The Market Approach is based on comparison of the subject property to similar properties, which have sold in the same market. Similarities and differences must be noted in detail—date of sale, location of property, physical characteristics, and conditions of the sale are a few examples. For investment properties, potential income should also be documented.
The conditions of the sale are extremely important when considering whether a property is comparable to the subject or not. If the parties are related, or special financing was obtained, or the seller was forced to sell by some condition of their life (a move, divorce, etc.) then the sale might have to be eliminated as invalid. Remember the definition of "market value": "the most probable price, in terms of cash, in a competitive and open market, assuming a willing and knowledgeable buyer and seller, allowing sufficient time for the sale, and assuming that the transaction is not affected by undue pressures." Some factors like size or shape or location may have to be accommodated by adjusting the value of the comparable up or down to reflect the difference between that property and the subject. The comparable is always adjusted, never the subject property.
The market approach indicates a range of possible values, rather than a precise figure, especially if few sales are available or many adjustments have to be made. In Arizona, the market approach is the most widely used for residential property valuation. It is ideal for types of property that are regularly sold. Furthermore, it may be the only valid approach for valuing properties that are very old or where reliable cost or income data is unavailable.
The Income Approach is used to value commercial or industrial properties, or properties, which are bought and sold by investors primarily because of their income producing potential. This approach to value depends on reliable and detailed information on the income and the costs of doing business for a particular business or enterprise. This is referred to as the "income stream" of the property. The Income Approach defines value as "the present worth of future benefits of owning a property." These are composed of the annual income for an estimated number of years (called the economic life of the property) plus a capital amount representing land value or land value plus some remaining worth of the improvements. This approach emphasizes investment components rather than physical components of a property.
The steps in the income approach are:
For ad valorem purposes, single-property appraisal is not an efficient method due to the large number of many types of properties which must be valued each year. Therefore, the Assessor's office determines values using Mass Appraisal. By utilizing a computer-assisted mass appraisal system (CAMA) to assist us in this process, annual values on many types of properties can be established uniformly and at a relatively low cost.
Mass Appraisal is the process of establishing values on groups of properties as of a given date using standardized procedures and statistical testing. Its purpose is the equitable and efficient appraisal of property for ad valorem purposes. This involves data collection, market analysis, valuation and quality control.
IAAO Standard on Mass Appraisal of Real Property
IAAO Standard on Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)
An important aspect of mass appraisal is the collection of data on economic and neighborhood trends. Of particular interest is the identification of economic areas economic districts and neighborhoods to account for location differences in the market.
Data is collected on physical and location characteristics, which can assist in the valuation and identification process. Not all data collected may be used in the valuation process. Most characteristics are obtained by on-site inspections when the property is newly constructed and thereafter at periodic stages of activity. Characteristics may also be collected through use of mail questionnaires, aerial photography, and information from other outside sources.
For residential properties, a typical time period of 36 to 48 months (3 to 4 years) of sales data is collected and analyzed each year in preparation of values. These sales must first be adjusted to the end of the data collection period, generally June of the year proceeding the valuation year. These adjustments for time account for the principle of supply and demand as well as the principle of change.
After the necessary data has been collected and categorized, values are determined using a technique called Multiple Regression Analysis. Multiple regression explores and quantifies the relationship between two or more components of known and available data (sales prices and property characteristics) to predict a preliminary value. This process analyzes the sales and characteristic data to develop appropriate adjustments for amenities found to be meaningful in the marketplace, such as square footage, pools, garages, etc. These adjustments can then be applied to all properties in a fair and consistent manner.
The Assessor does not create the value. People create value by the decisions they make in the marketplace. The Assessor has the
legal responsibility to study those transactions and appraise property accordingly: "Determine the
Market fluctuations are reflected in
To measure quality in a mass appraisal setting, statistical tests are utilized. A sales ratio study is one such test and is the final step in the mass appraisal process. Properties, which have sold, are grouped and the established values are compared to the sale amounts to ensure that they fall within an acceptable range.